Oct 18, 2011


God has really been teaching me a lot lately. Mainly, that He is the one in control and not anyone else. Sometimes I don't understand why He does certain things. Why does God bless us with something and then take it away? Why does God take people away from us? I don't have the exact answers to these questions, but I know that God has an awesome plan. He does things that are far greater than our plans. He is an all powerful God who is worthy of all praise, so much more than our limited human ability allows.

Being a mom has changed so much about my life. I don't know how people do it without God. I sure know that I couldn't have gotten through these past eight weeks without the help of God. It is so rewarding being the mother of Nolan. God has truly blessed me by allowing me to be Nolan's mom. It is such an incredible gift. It is awesome just to watch Nolan sleep or play around and to know that God made him. God took part of me and part of Brett and created this handsome little boy! WOW! God does some awesome work!

Nolan is really growing! He is almost 2 months old already! He is really developing. He lifts up his head a lot when we are holding him. He is doing better at keeping his head up when he is laying on his belly on the floor. He is starting to smile when we talk to him. Oh how I love those smiles!! It just melts my heart. Nolan has also spent the last 2 weeks sleeping through the night! He sleeps from 9 or 10 all the way until 6am! It is so great! He also just spent the first night in his crib in his room last night. He did so well!

I love being a mom!