Nov 15, 2011

Oh Life...

The past few days have just been awesome! I LOVE BEING A MOM! There is really no way to explain how awesome it is to talk to Nolan and then have him grin at me. His smile just melts my heart. I have been off work the past few days and Nolan has just been full of energy. He has been so much fun. He is babbling so much. He really seems like he has so much to tell me and his daddy. He loves to play. He loves for us to sing to him. He is just the cutest thing. This past weekend warmed my heart so much and rejuvenated my soul. It was me, Brett, and Nolan all weekend long. We just hungout and spent time as a family. This was much needed. It was one of the best weekends I have had in awhile. Nolan was so close to rolling over this weekend. It made Brett and I so excited everytime Nolan got so close. All he needed to do was push off with his foot just a little bit more. I'm sure it will come soon enough. Nolan also started laughing this weekend. If you laugh around him, he tries so hard to laugh too! Sometimes it just sounds like a gasp, but I know it's a laugh. It's so cute. Nolan also got dedicated at church this weekend. I loved it. Nolan wore his Grandpa's baptism outfit from when he was a baby. It was so special to me. I loved being able to stand up before others and God and vow to raise my child in the Lord. So special.

I am so in love with my life at this moment. God has blessed me so much. I am so blessed to be the mom to Nolan and the wife to Brett. God sure does know what He's doing?
Thank you, Lord for all the blessings in my life. You truly are the Lord of all.

Oct 18, 2011


God has really been teaching me a lot lately. Mainly, that He is the one in control and not anyone else. Sometimes I don't understand why He does certain things. Why does God bless us with something and then take it away? Why does God take people away from us? I don't have the exact answers to these questions, but I know that God has an awesome plan. He does things that are far greater than our plans. He is an all powerful God who is worthy of all praise, so much more than our limited human ability allows.

Being a mom has changed so much about my life. I don't know how people do it without God. I sure know that I couldn't have gotten through these past eight weeks without the help of God. It is so rewarding being the mother of Nolan. God has truly blessed me by allowing me to be Nolan's mom. It is such an incredible gift. It is awesome just to watch Nolan sleep or play around and to know that God made him. God took part of me and part of Brett and created this handsome little boy! WOW! God does some awesome work!

Nolan is really growing! He is almost 2 months old already! He is really developing. He lifts up his head a lot when we are holding him. He is doing better at keeping his head up when he is laying on his belly on the floor. He is starting to smile when we talk to him. Oh how I love those smiles!! It just melts my heart. Nolan has also spent the last 2 weeks sleeping through the night! He sleeps from 9 or 10 all the way until 6am! It is so great! He also just spent the first night in his crib in his room last night. He did so well!

I love being a mom!

Sep 8, 2011

The Tales of a New Mother

Wow, my life has changed so much since the last time I posted. I finished up my time at work with two very difficult assignments. Those last two nights were difficult but full of learning. I really enjoyed all the learning. So, I came home that Friday morning ready for Nolan to get here. On Saturday, I was 39 weeks. That evening Brett and I went to a surprise birthday party for a friend of ours. While we were there, I started having contractions. They were coming every 15 minutes or so. I, quietly, told Brett and we decided to head home. I talked to my parents about the situation. They decided it was best for them to just go ahead and make their way to Houston just in case this was the real thing. Little did we know, Nolan can be just as stubborn as his dad. My mom got on an airplane and my dad and Cosmo started their drive. My contractions were lasting through the night. I finally fell asleep around 4am. I woke up at 6am and my contractions stopped. We picked my mom up at the airport and we walked ALL day long. I was ready to get Nolan out! The next couple days were full of stronger and stronger contractions that would continue for hours and then stop completely. Ugh, it was so frustrating. Finally, that Wednesday I had my last doctor appointment. We decided that I would go into the hospital Thursday night to try a prostaglandin augmentation.
So, on Thursday night, Brett and I made our way to the hospital. We got little to no sleep that night. By the morning, the augmentation had not worked as well as we had hoped. We decided to try another round of a different type of prostaglandin. By 2pm, my doctor came in and decided that I was 2cm dilated. She felt comfortable enough to break my water. So, that's what we did. That is when the fun started. My contractions started full force. However, my body decided that I was not allowed to have a break. I would have four or so contractions without a break, followed by a minute break only to start up with four or so contractions again. It was very difficult to handle. My body was fading fast (especially with little sleep) because during the minute break I would fall asleep. It was such a weird feeling. After a few hours of this, I was in so much pain. I didn't know this at the time, but Nolan's heart rate started to drop. I decided to get an epidural (which I originally didn't want). I got the epidural, got put on my side, had an oxygen mask put on me, and got told that Nolan's heart rate was dropping all within about a 20 minute period. This was not good for my hormones. I was so scared! Eventually, the doctor decided that Nolan's heart rate just changed its baseline. That it was not that big of a deal as long as his heart rate stayed in the 110s. My epidural started to work and Nolan's heart rate got a little bit better. Things started to settle down a bit and it was just a waiting game. By 11:30pm, I was finally at 10 cm. I had to wait to start pushing until the doctor got to the hospital. By about 12:15, I began pushing. Brett did a great job staring at the wall behind me and holding my head up without looking. The doctor and nurses got a kick out of him. He kept joking around trying not to pass out. He did awesome! On August 20 at 1:21 am, Nolan, our 7lb 8oz 19 in baby boy was finally here! He was the cutest baby I had every seen. I could not control my tears. I was officially a mom. What a feeling!
That night Brett and I got no sleep either. We got to our room around 4am and tried to sleep. But between my nurse coming in and Nolan's nurse coming in, Brett and I got no sleep. By 9am, my parents were back at the hospital and visitors were on their way. We had so many friends and family come to see Nolan on his birthday! We are so blessed to have such great friends and family!
The next afternoon, after a night of no sleep again, we got to take Nolan home. It was such a weird feeling. Brett headed to his Fantasy Football draft and Nolan and I headed to my room to take a nap. It was heaven.
That next week was full of interesting things that happened. Nolan barely slept throughout the night. He was so fussy the whole night. It was quite an adjustment. On Wednesday, Brett got a surprise, his mom came in from PA. He had no idea! He was so surprised. She was here through the next Sunday. It was good to have her here to meet Nolan.
My parents were still in town. They stayed through September 3. It was great to have them here to help with our transition into parenthood. When they left, Brett and I were on our own. We were now a family of three. What a feeling!
Brett went back to work on Tuesday, after a long Labor Day weekend together. Nolan and I were on our own for the day. He had his two week doctor appointment. He is now 8lb 10oz and 20 inches long. Our boy is getting so big already!!! He is such a sweet little boy. He is getting more alert now. He will just lay there and stare at you. It is just so sweet. I love being a mom. After almost 3 weeks, I realize that it is full of ups and downs already. I look forward to what is to come. It is going to be such an adventure.
Enjoy some pictures of our new little one!

Aug 5, 2011

38 Weeks

Everything is done. Nursery is finished, clothes are ready, diapers and wipes are prepared, stroller is put together, and the carseat is in. Now all we need is our sweet little Nolan. Hopefully he will be here soon. I am having weekly doctor appointments at this point. On Wednesday during my appointment, my doctor checked me to see if I was dilated. I am 1cm dilated, 60% effaced, and he is at a -2 station. So, for all the non-medical people, it could still be a couple weeks. Nolan is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing. I can feel him dropping lower everyday. I am having a few contractions, but not really more than a few a day. At this point, I am still working. I have 5 more shifts within this next week. Then, I am hoping Nolan makes his appearance. Brett is so excited for Nolan to get here. He talks to him everyday, telling him that it is time to come out to meet us. He is even taking me on 2 mile walks every night that I am not working. I really think the walking helps. We went walking last night, and this morning I can feel Nolan lower than he was.

Each morning I wake up wondering if today will be the day. I am so excited for my little boy to get here. I can't wait to hold him and to see what he looks like. I know he is going to be just as handsome as his daddy is.

My mom was here a couple weeks ago to help me finish up the nursery and attend a wonderful baby shower that some great friends threw for me. The nursery turned out great! All the people who contributed, Suzie, Phyllis, Elizabeth, mom, and Candice, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Brett and I are very happy with how the nursery turned out. We love it! My baby shower was awesome too! I am so lucky to have such great friends here in Texas. Everything was perfect. I was so glad to be able to have my mom be here for the shower. She spent about 5 days here. It was awesome to spend some time with her. She helped me get everything ready for Nolan. Now, her and dad are just waiting at home for the call. Then, they will head out here as fast as they can. I can't wait!!

Here are some nursery pictures, baby shower pictures, and other fun pictures!

Jun 29, 2011

It Will Be Here Before We Know It!

I am 32 weeks and 4 days. I feel bigger than big! Take a look!

Nolan moves around so much. I really think he is going to be a great soccer player! Just like his mommy and daddy! Everything is going well with the pregnancy. My blood pressure is great and I am measuring right around my gestation age. I am now going to the doctor every other week for a check-up.

We have been preparing for Nolan. It is so much fun. We got a stroller the other day and Brett couldn't wait to put it together!

We have also been adding things to his room. It is not quite finished yet, but here is what we have.

My mom is coming in a few weeks to help me get a few things done before Nolan arrives! I'm excited for her to be here. She is going to bring the curtains for Nolan's room and a few other things. She is also going to be here to help cook and freeze food for when Nolan arrives. We need some good ideas of food to freeze. Feel free to give your suggestions!

While we are waiting for Nolan to get here, we are both busy with work. I started my new job a few weeks ago. I love it so much. I have learned so much in a short amount of time. It is a little rough working night shift, but not as bad as I thought it would be. I am pretty busy the whole time making the night go by quicker. The only hard thing is trying to sleep during the day. Brett has been busy with his work as well. He is doing so great. He finishes up his schoolwork this weekend. So, next week he officially graduates again! I am so proud of my hubby for going to school for his Accounting degree! He worked so hard working full time and going to school full time. He is great!!!

On my days off I have been relaxing and doing some fun things. I like to go lay out by the pool. I have even tried my hand at baking. I want to be a good cake and cupcake maker, but I have to start somewhere. Here is a picture of a Strawberry and Cream Cheese Cake I made.

Jun 3, 2011

It's Official!

Wow. Such an awesome day. I took my NCLEX on Wednesday. This is the state board test that I have to pass in order to become a registered nurse. This morning I found out that I passed! I am incredibly excited! I now have initials after my name, Catherine Gates, RN BSN. Wow. I have worked so hard this past year to get to this point. I honestly could not have done this without the love and support of my husband, family, and friends. I love you all!

A lot has happened in the past month. My parents came into town for about a week. They helped Brett and I move into a new apartment. We love the new apartment. It's two bedroom and two bathroom place. It is very nice. I graduated from nursing school. What an accomplishment. It was a great time. I was so glad to have my family and friends there with me. I also had a surprise graduation party a couple days later. I was so surprised to have my friends come to celebrate with me. It was so much fun. The next day I drove back with my parents to Charlotte for about nine days. It was such a good vacation. I had a very nice baby shower while I was there. It was so nice to see some people that I have not seen in awhile. Nolan got so many cute new things. He is so spoiled already. I also found out while I was home that I got a nursing job. I will be working in the Level 3 NICU at The Woman's Hospital of Texas. I am very excited! I cannot wait to start my career as a nurse. Brett and I celebrated our two year wedding anniversary this past weekend. He took me on a surprise trip to San Antonio. We had so much fun spending the weekend together and celebrating. I love being around him.

We are very excited for Nolan to get here. We are enjoying watching him kick me. He moves all the time. I love feeling him move. He is going to be a little wild man like his daddy. I am 29 weeks along tomorrow. I can't believe how fast it has gone already. I feel like I am huge already, but I know that I am only going to get bigger. Oh joy. We are both just so excited to meet him. He is going to be the cutest little boy ever. We are in the process of working on his nursery. We have all the furniture in his room. We are just working on the decor. His quilt for his crib is finished. I love it! The letters for above his crib are finished, but I have yet to put them up. His room is coming together so well. I love it.

I am so excited about this new chapter in my life that is beginning. I start my new job on Monday and Nolan is only about 11 weeks away from being here. I can't wait to be a mommy!!!

Here are some pictures from the last month:

This my creation! I love it!

Baby Shower tree!

Letters for above Nolan's crib.

Apr 22, 2011

Coming to an End

I am 9 days away from being finished with my second Bachelor's degree. Nursing school is almost over! I cannot be more excited. This has been quite a year. I have learned so much throughout this year. I am so prepared to be a nurse. I am not sure yet what God has in store for me job-wise yet, but I know He is in charge.

With school ending, I'm going to kind of change this blog around a little bit. It's just going to be more about what is going on in our lives. Brett and I are going through lots of changes. I finish school in a few days, and Brett finishes up his Accounting degree the beginning of July. We are moving to a new apartment in two weeks. We are really excited. It is a two bedroom/two bathroom apartment. I can't wait to decorate and organize! My parents are coming into town for my graduation, and they are going to help us move into our new place. Then, I am going to ride back with them to Charlotte to visit for a week and a half. I am really looking forward to seeing the people I love and relaxing. Oh how I need a vacation!

My belly is growing bigger everyday. I am 23 weeks along. I feel massive, but I know I'm only going to get bigger. The Texas heat is coming in and making me hotter everyday. Brett and I ended up finding out that we are having a baby boy! We are so excited! His name is Nolan Thomas. I love his name. He is expected to arrive on or around August 20. I cannot wait to start on his nursery. Our sports theme is going to be great! I'm sure there will be more details and pictures to come.

Feb 2, 2011

The Final Semester!

I am now officially knee-deep in my last semester of nursing school! I am so excited! I am taking High Acuity, Community Healthcare, Pediatrics, and Critical Synthesis. Let's start with High Acuity. I really enjoy this class. My favorite part about it is the clinical. I am doing my clinical in the Shock Trauma ICU in downtown Houston. I have done a total of two night shifts and I really enjoy it. It is really hard to stay awake all night but I think I am getting used to it to some extent. It is really hard without caffeine.
Community Healthcare is interesting. I am not too fond of it, but hopefully it will get interesting. We are doing this huge project for a small school district in north Houston. We are making a presentation for a group of preschool teachers about health and exercise. So, that should be fun.
I am really apprehensive about my Pediatric clinical. Our orientation starts Saturday. From then on, every Saturday I will be at one of the Children's Hospitals downtown. I am not quite sure how I am going to feel working with really sick children. I think that it might be hard for me.
Critical Synthesis is a breeze. Basically, we just have to take a giant test at the end of the semester in order to pass nursing school.
I am so freaking excited to graduate! Right now I am trying to find a job for once school ends. I never realized how hard it is for nursing school graduates. But God is good, and He will provide. Oh, and Brett and I are really looking forward to the newest member of our family!! Take a look!